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Lesson: Formatting Tips

Page Layout Recommendations 

  1. Storyboard the website plan.

  2. Header Image at the top of the page.

  3. Navigation bar under the header image.

  4. Subtitle Page Topic.

  5. Body Text (Run spelling and grammar checker and edit carefully before adding it).

  6. Image or Video related to your topic for engagement.

  7. Footer: Name, Copyright Symbol, Year, Social Media Icons

  8. Same look on all pages, be consistent with font type, size, style, colors, etc. Titles are larger and bolder.

  9. Leave some gutter space between items. Be sure you do not have images and text overlapping so it is easier to read.


Home Page

  1. Tell who the site is designed for.

  2. Tell what is the site about. (make it enticing to encourage participation)

  3. Tell what the goals/objects are for the site.

  4. Tell what the audience will gain.

  5. If it is time and location specific, tell when and where.


Authentic Problem-Based Lessons

  1. Research questions

  2. Collaboration roles

  3. Student Planning & Media Selections

  4. Synthesis 

  5. Design & Develop a media rich Presentation


Suggested Lesson Plan Format

  1. Introduction of the lesson topic and project-based goals.

  2. Content taught

  3. Problem-Based learning activities

  4. Evaluation: Quality rubric or checklist, grading scale, & grade weighting

  5. Summary of key points learned


  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • Pinterest
  • Tumblr Social Icon
  • Instagram

Creating a Wix Website, 2020


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